SDI 4 Apps - Uptake of open geographic information through innovative services based on linked data

HACKATHON RESULT No. 1: EcoSystem Services Portal

EcoSystem Services (ESS) represents the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to the human well-being. The idea of the proposal is to create the single web/mobile website/portal prototype tool (human readable interface) allowing to raise awareness of the relevance of biodiversity and the ecosystem services and explain the complex concepts and benefits related to the Ecosystem services evaluation in a simple way to the wider public. At the same time machine readable interface, where possible appropriate API will be made available to strengthen the further reuse of the resources. All this work shall re-use already available resources and knowledge from the domain. If you would find it interesting, come and join us!

HACKATHON RESULT No. 6: Ideas and Data from Open Riga

Ideas and Data from Open Riga from plan4all Open Riga is an initiative carried out by Riga municipality to promote use of open data. Everyone is most welcome to use data sets available in Open Riga Open data catalogue. Representatives of Open Riga have shared some...

Open Data from Latvia’s State Forests

Latvia’s State Forests (Latvijas valsts meži) are providing a lot of open data about objects and territory that are under their management. Spatial data regarding Latvia’s State Forest are available: Forest roads Tourism Objects Forest divisions Forest...